tvam tigma-dharasi-varari-sainyam
isa-prayukto mama chindhi chindhi
caksumsi carman chata-candra chadaya
dvisam aghonam hara papa-caksusam
tvamyou; tigma-dhara-asi-varaO best of swords possessing very sharp blades; ari-sainyamthe soldiers of the enemy; isa-prayuktahbeing engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mamamy; chindhi chindhichop to pieces, chop to pieces; caksumsithe eyes; carmanO shield; sata-candrapossessing brilliant circles like a hundred moons; chadayaplease cover; dvisamof those who are envious of me; aghonamwho are completely sinful; haraplease take away; papa-caksusamof those whose eyes are very sinful.
O king of sharp-edged swords, you are engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Please cut the soldiers of my enemies to pieces. Please cut them to pieces! O shield marked with a hundred brilliant moonlike circles, please cover the eyes of the sinful enemies. Pluck out their sinful eyes.
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