iti jata-sunirvedah
ksana-sangena sadhusu
ganga-dvaram upeyaya
itithus; jata-sunirvedah(Ajamila) who had become detached from the material conception of life; ksana-sangenaby a moments association; sadhusuwith devotees; ganga-dvaramto Hardwar (hari-dvara), the doorway to Hari (because the Ganges begins there, Hardwar is also called ganga-dvara); upeyayawent; muktabeing freed from; sarva-anubandhanahall kinds of material bondage.
Because of a moments association with devotees [the Visnudutas], Ajamila detached himself from the material conception of life with determination. Thus freed from all material attraction, he immediately started for Hardwar.
The word mukta-sarvanubandhanah indicates that after this incident, Ajamila, not caring for his wife and children, went straight to Hardwar for further advancement in his spiritual life. Our Krsna consciousness movement now has centers in Vrndavana and Navadvipa so that those who want to live a retired life, whether they be devotees or not, can go there and with determination give up the bodily concept of life. One is welcome to live in those holy places for the rest of his life in order to achieve the highest success by the very simple method of chanting the holy name of the Lord and taking prasada. Thus one may return home, back to Godhead. We do not have a center in Hardwar, but Vrndavana and Sridhama Mayapur are better for devotees than any other places. The Caitanya Candrodaya temple offers one a good opportunity to associate with devotees. Let us all take advantage of this opportunity.

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