sri-suka uvaca
sukle margasire pakse
yosid bhartur anujnaya
arabheta vratam idam
sarva-kamikam aditah
nisamya marutam janma
brahmanan anumantrya ca
snatva sukla-dati sukle
pujayet pratarasat prag
bhagavantam sriya saha
sri-sukah uvacaSri Sukadeva Gosvami said; suklebright; margasireduring the month of NovemberDecember; pakseduring the fortnight; yosita woman; bhartuhof the husband; anujnayawith the permission; arabhetashould begin; vratamvow; idamthis; sarva-kamikamwhich fulfills all desires; aditahfrom the first day; nisamyahearing; marutamof the Maruts; janmathe birth; brahmananthe brahmanas; anumantryataking instruction from; caand; snatvabathing; sukla-datihaving cleaned the teeth; suklewhite; vasitashould put on; alankrtawearing ornaments; ambaregarments; pujayetshould worship; pratah-asat prakbefore breakfast; bhagavantamthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; sriya sahawith the goddess of fortune.
Sukadeva Gosvami said: On the first day of the bright fortnight of the month of Agrahayana [NovemberDecember], following the instructions of her husband, a woman should begin this regulative devotional service with a vow of penance, for it can fulfill all ones desires. Before beginning the worship of Lord Visnu, the woman should hear the story of how the Maruts were born. Under the instructions of qualified brahmanas, in the morning she should wash her teeth, bathe, and dress herself with white cloth and ornaments, and before taking breakfast she should worship Lord Visnu and Laksmi.
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