caranti hy avanau kamam
brahmana bhagavat-priyah
madrsam gramya-buddhinam
carantiwander; hiindeed; avanauon the surface of the world; kamamaccording to desire; brahmanahthe brahmanas; bhagavat-priyahwho are also Vaisnavas, very dear to the Personality of Godhead; ma-drsamof those like me; gramya-buddhinamwho are obsessed with temporary material consciousness; bodhayafor the awakening; unmatta-linginahwho dress as if madmen.
Brahmanas who are exalted to the position of Vaisnavas, the most dear servants of Krsna, sometimes dress like madmen. Just to benefit materialists like us, who are always attached to sense gratification, and just to dissipate our ignorance, these Vaisnavas wander on the surface of the globe according to their desire.
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