putrams ca sisyams ca nrpo gurur va
mal-loka-kamo mad-anugraharthah
ittham vimanyur anusisyad ataj-jnan
na yojayet karmasu karma-mudhan
kam yojayan manujo rtham labheta
nipatayan nasta-drsam hi garte
putranthe sons; caand; sisyanthe disciples; caand; nrpahthe king; guruhthe spiritual master; vaor; mat-loka-kamahdesiring to go to My abode; mat-anugraha-arthahthinking that to achieve My mercy is the aim of life; itthamin this manner; vimanyuhfree from anger; anusisyatshould instruct; a-tat-jnanbereft of spiritual knowledge; nanot; yojayetshould engage; karmasuin fruitive activities; karma-mudhansimply engaged in pious or impious activities; kamwhat; yojayanengaging; manu-jaha man; arthambenefit; labhetacan achieve; nipatayancausing to fall; nasta-drsamone who is already bereft of his transcendental sight; hiindeed; gartein the hole.
If one is serious about going back home, back to Godhead, he must consider the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the summum bonum and chief aim of life. If he is a father instructing his sons, a spiritual master instructing his disciples, or a king instructing his citizens, he must instruct them as I have advised. Without being angry, he should continue giving instructions, even if his disciple, son or citizen is sometimes unable to follow his order. Ignorant people who engage in pious and impious activities should be engaged in devotional service by all means. They should always avoid fruitive activity. If one puts into the bondage of karmic activity his disciple, son or citizen who is bereft of transcendental vision, how will one profit? It is like leading a blind man to a dark well and causing him to fall in.
Let not the wise disrupt the minds of the ignorant who are attached to fruitive action. They should be encouraged not to refrain from work, but to work in the spirit of devotion.
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