yasam ambhah pavitram amalam upayunjanah purusa-rsabha-dravina-devaka-samjna varsa-purusa apomayam devam apam purnenanjalina yajante.
yasamof all the rivers; ambhahthe water; pavitramvery sanctified; amalamvery clean; upayunjanahusing; purusaPurusa; rsabhaRsabha; dravinaDravina; devakaDevaka; samjnahendowed with the names; varsa-purusahthe inhabitants of those varsas; apah-mayamVaruna, the lord of water; devamas the worshipable deity; apamof water; purnenawith full; anjalinafolded palms; yajantedo worship.
The inhabitants of Krauncadvipa are divided into four castes, called the Purusas, Rsabhas, Dravinas and Devakas. Using the waters of those sanctified rivers, they worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead by offering a palmful of water at the lotus feet of Varuna, the demigod who has a form of water.
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says, apomayah asmayam: with joined palms the inhabitants of the various sections of Krauncadvipa offer the sanctified waters of the rivers to a deity made of stone or iron.
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