visvodbhava-sthana-nirodha-karma te
hy akartur angikrtam apy apavrtah
yuktam na citram tvayi karya-karane
sarvatmani vyatirikte ca vastutah
visvaof the whole universe; udbhavaof the creation; sthanaof the maintenance; nirodhaof the annihilation; karmathese activities; teof You (O dear Lord); hiindeed; akartuhaloof; angikrtamstill accepted by the Vedic literature; apialthough; apavrtahuntouched by all these activities; yuktambefitting; nanot; citramwonderful; tvayiin You; karya-karanethe original cause of all effects; sarva-atmaniin all respects; vyatirikteset apart; caalso; vastutahthe original substance.
O Lord, although You are completely detached from the creation, maintenance and annihilation of this material world and are not directly affected by these activities, they are all attributed to You. We do not wonder at this, for Your inconceivable energies perfectly qualify You to be the cause of all causes. You are the active principle in everything, although You are separate from everything. Thus we can realize that everything is happening because of Your inconceivable energy.
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