kvacit kala-visa-mita-raja-kula-raksasapahrta-priyatama-dhanasuh pramrtaka iva vigata-jiva-laksana aste.
kvacitsometimes; kala-visa-mitamade crooked by time; raja-kulathe government men; raksasaby those who are like carnivorous human beings; apahrtabeing plundered; priya-tamamost dear; dhanain the form of wealth; asuhwhose life air; pramrtakahdead; ivalike; vigata-jiva-laksanahbereft of all signs of life; astehe remains.
Government men are always like carnivorous demons called Raksasas [man-eaters]. Sometimes these government men turn against the conditioned soul and take away all his accumulated wealth. Being bereft of his lifes reserved wealth, the conditioned soul loses all enthusiasm. Indeed, it is as though he loses his life.
The word raja-kula-raksasa is very significant. Srimad-Bhagavatam was compiled about five thousand years ago, yet government men are referred to as Raksasas, or carnivorous demons. If government men are opposed to a person, that person will be bereft of all his riches, which he has accumulated with great care over a long period of time. Actually no one wants to pay income taxeseven government men themselves try to avoid these taxesbut at unfavorable times income taxes are exacted forcibly, and the taxpayers become very morose.

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