atha ha bhagavan adi-deva etasya guna-visargasya paribrmhananudhyana-vyavasita-sakala-jagad-abhipraya atma-yonir akhila-nigama-nija-gana-parivestitah sva-bhavanad avatatara.
athathus; haindeed; bhagavanthe most powerful; adi-devahthe first demigod; etasyaof this universe; guna-visargasyathe creation of the three modes of material nature; paribrmhanathe welfare; anudhyanaalways thinking of; vyavasitaknown; sakalawhole; jagatof the universe; abhiprayahby whom the ultimate purpose; atmathe Supreme Self; yonihwhose source of birth; akhilaall; nigamaby the Vedas; nija-ganaby personal associates; parivestitahbeing surrounded; sva-bhavanatfrom his own abode; avatataradescended.
Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: The first created being and most powerful demigod in this universe is Lord Brahma, who is always responsible for developing universal affairs. Born directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he dedicates his activities to the welfare of the entire universe, for he knows the purpose of the universal creation. This supremely powerful Lord Brahma, accompanied by his associates and the personified Vedas, left his own abode in the highest planetary system and descended to the place of Prince Priyavratas meditation.
Lord Visnu, the Supreme Self (atma), is the source of everything, as explained in the Vedanta-sutra: janmady asya yatah [SB 1.1.1]. Because Brahma was born directly from Lord Visnu, he is called atma-yoni. He is also called bhagavan, although generally bhagavan refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Visnu or Lord Krsna). Sometimes great personalitiessuch as demigods like Lord Brahma, Narada or Lord Sivaare also addressed as bhagavan because they carry out the purpose of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Brahma is called bhagavan because he is the secondary creator of this universe. He is always thinking of how to improve the situation of the conditioned souls who have come to the material world to enjoy material activities. For this reason, he disseminates the Vedic knowledge throughout the universe for everyones guidance.
Vedic knowledge is divided into two parts: pravrtti-marga and nivrtti-marga. Nivrtti-marga is the path of negating sense enjoyment, and pravrtti-marga is the path by which the living entities are given a chance to enjoy and at the same time are directed in such a way that they can go back home, back to Godhead. Because ruling over this universe is a great responsibility, Brahma must force many Manus in different ages to take charge of universal affairs. Under each Manu there are different kings who also execute the purpose of Lord Brahma. It is understood from previous explanations that the father of Dhruva Maharaja, King Uttanapada, ruled over the universe because his elder brother, Priyavrata, practiced austerity from the very beginning of his life. Thus up to the point of the Pracetas, the kings of the universe were all descendants of Uttanapada Maharaja. Since there were no suitable kings after the Pracetas, Svayambhuva Manu went to the Gandhamadana Hill to bring back his eldest son, Priyavrata, who was meditating there. Svayambhuva Manu requested Priyavrata to rule over the universe. When he refused, Lord Brahma descended from the supreme planetary system, known as Satyaloka, to request Priyavrata to accept the order. Lord Brahma did not come alone. He came with other great sages like Marici, Atreya and Vasistha. To convince Priyavrata that it was necessary for him to follow the Vedic injunctions and accept the responsibility of ruling over the world, Lord Brahma also brought with him the personified Vedas, his constant associates.
A significant word in this verse is sva-bhavanat, indicating that Lord Brahma descended from his own abode. Every demigod has his own abode. Indra, the King of the demigods, has his own abode, as do Candra, the lord of the moon planet, and Surya, the predominating deity of the sun planet. There are many millions of demigods, and the stars and planets are their respective homes. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. Yanti deva-vrata devan: [Bg. 9.25] Those who worship the demigods go to their different planetary systems. Lord Brahmas abode. the highest planetary system, is called Satyaloka or sometimes Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka usually refers to the spiritual world. The abode of Lord Brahma is Satyaloka, but because Lord Brahma resides there, it is also sometimes called Brahmaloka.
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