tavat sa rudranucarair maha-makho
nanayudhair vamanakair udayudhaih
pingaih pisangair makarodarananaih
paryadravadbhir viduranvarudhyata
tavatvery quickly; sahthat; rudra-anucaraihby the followers of Lord Siva; maha-makhahthe arena of the great sacrifice; nanavarious kinds; ayudhaihwith weapons; vamanakaihof short stature; udayudhaihupraised; pingaihblackish; pisangaihyellowish; makara-udara-ananaihwith bellies and faces like sharks; paryadravadbhihrunning all around; viduraO Vidura; anvarudhyatawas surrounded.
My dear Vidura, all the followers of Lord Siva surrounded the arena of sacrifice. They were of short stature and were equipped with various kinds of weapons; their bodies appeared to be like those of sharks, blackish and yellowish. They ran all around the sacrificial arena and thus began to create disturbances.
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