parijate njasa labdhe
sarango nyan na sevate
tvad-anghri-mulam asadya
saksat kim kim vrnimahi
parijatethe celestial tree known as parijata; anjasacompletely; labdhehaving achieved; sarangaha bee; anyatother; na sevatedoes not resort to; tvat-anghriYour lotus feet; mulamthe root of everything; asadyahaving approached; saksatdirectly; kimwhat; kimwhat; vrnimahimay we ask.
Dear Lord, when the bee approaches the celestial tree called the parijata, it certainly does not leave the tree, because there is no need for such action. Similarly, when we have approached Your lotus feet and taken shelter of them, what further benediction may we ask of You?
When a devotee is actually engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, his engagement in itself is so perfect that there is no need to ask for further benediction. When a bee approaches the parijata tree, it gets unlimited supplies of honey. There is no need to go to another tree. If one is fixed in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, there is unlimited transcendental bliss, and as such there is no need to ask for further benediction. The parijata tree is not commonly found within this material world. The parijata tree is also known as kalpa-vrksa, or the wish-fulfilling tree. One can get anything he desires from such a tree. In the material world, one can get oranges from an orange tree or mangoes from a mango tree, but there is no possibility of getting oranges from a mango tree or vice versa. However, one can get whatever he wants from the parijata treeoranges, mangoes, bananas and so on. This tree is found in the spiritual world. Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu [Bs. 5.29]. The spiritual world, cintamani-dhama, is surrounded by these kalpa-vrksa trees, but the parijata tree is also found in the kingdom of Indra, that is, on Indras heavenly planet. This parijata tree was brought by Krsna to please Satyabhama, one of His queens, and this tree was implanted in the Dvaraka mansions constructed for the queens. The lotus feet of the Lord are exactly like the parijata trees, or wish-fulfilling trees, and the devotees are like bumblebees. They are always attracted by the lotus feet of the Lord.
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