vidhiyate sadhu mithah sumadhyame
prajnaih parasmai purusaya cetasa
guha-sayayaiva na deha-manine
pratyudgamastanding up from ones seat; prasrayanawelcoming; abhivadanamobeisances; vidhiyateare intended; sadhuproper; mithahmutually; su-madhyamemy dear young wife; prajnaihby the wise; parasmaiunto the Supreme; purusayaunto the Supersoul; cetasawith the intelligence; guha-sayayasitting within the body; evacertainly; nanot; deha-manineto the person identifying with the body.
My dear young wife, certainly friends and relatives offer mutual greetings by standing up, welcoming one another and offering obeisances. But those who are elevated to the transcendental platform, being intelligent, offer such respects to the Supersoul, who is sitting within the body, not to the person who identifies with the body.
It may be argued that since Daksa was the father-in-law of Lord Siva, it was certainly the duty of Lord Siva to offer him respect. In answer to that argument it is explained here that when a learned person stands up or offers obeisances in welcome, he offers respect to the Supersoul, who is sitting within everyones heart. It is seen, therefore, among Vaisnavas, that even when a disciple offers obeisances to his spiritual master, the spiritual master immediately returns the obeisances because they are mutually offered not to the body but to the Supersoul. Therefore the spiritual master also offers respect to the Supersoul situated in the body of the disciple. The Lord says in Srimad-Bhagavatam that offering respect to His devotee is more valuable than offering respect to Him. Devotees do not identify with the body, so offering respect to a Vaisnava means offering respect to Visnu. It is stated also that as a matter of etiquette as soon as one sees a Vaisnava one must immediately offer him respect, indicating the Supersoul sitting within. A Vaisnava sees the body as a temple of Visnu. Since Lord Siva had already offered respect to the Supersoul in Krsna consciousness, offering respect to Daksa, who identified with his body, was already performed. There was no need to offer respect to his body, for that is not directed by any Vedic injunction.
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