maitreya uvaca
janesu pragrnatsv evam
prthum prthula-vikramam
tatropajagmur munayas
catvarah surya-varcasah
maitreyah uvacathe great sage Maitreya continued to speak; janesuthe citizens; pragrnatsuwhile praying for; evamthus; prthumunto Maharaja Prthu; prthulahighly; vikramampowerful; tatrathere; upajagmuharrived; munayahthe Kumaras; catvarahfour; suryaas the sun; varcasahbright.
The great sage Maitreya said: While the citizens were thus praying to the most powerful King Prthu, the four Kumaras, who were as bright as the sun, arrived on the spot.
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