bhajanty atha tvam ata eva sadhavo
bhavat-padanusmaranad rte satam
nimittam anyad bhagavan na vidmahe
bhajantithey worship; athatherefore; tvamYou; atah evatherefore; sadhavahall saintly persons; vyudastawho dispel; maya-gunathe modes of material nature; vibhramamisconceptions; udayamproduced; bhavatYour; padalotus feet; anusmaranatconstantly remembering; rteexcept; satamof great saintly persons; nimittamreason; anyatother; bhagavanO Supreme Personality of Godhead; nanot; vidmaheI can understand.
Great saintly persons who are always liberated take to Your devotional service because only by devotional service can one be relieved from the illusions of material existence. O my Lord, there is no reason for the liberated souls to take shelter at Your lotus feet except that such souls are constantly thinking of Your feet.
The karmis are generally engaged in fruitive activities for material bodily comforts. The jnanis, however, are disgusted with searching after material comforts. They understand that they have nothing to do with this material world, being spirit souls. After self-realization, the jnanis who are actually mature in their knowledge must surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (bahunam janmanam ante [Bg. 7.19]). Self-realization is not complete unless one comes to the devotional platform. Therefore it is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that those who are atmarama, self-satisfied, are freed from all contaminations of the material modes of nature. As long as one is affected by the modes of material nature, especially by rajas and tamas, he will be very greedy and lusty and will therefore engage in hard tasks, laboring all day and night. Such false egoism carries one from one species of life into another perpetually, and there is no rest in any species of life. The jnani understands this fact and therefore ceases to work and takes to karma-sannyasa.
Yet this is not actually the platform of satisfaction. After self-realization, the material wisdom of the jnani leads him to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. Then he is satisfied only in contemplating the lotus feet of the Lord constantly. Prthu Maharaja therefore concluded that liberated persons taking to the devotional path have acquired the ultimate goal of life. If liberation were the end in itself, there would be no question of a liberated persons taking to devotional service. In other words, the transcendental bliss derived from self-realization, known as atmananda, is very insignificant in the presence of the bliss derived from devotional service to the lotus feet of the Lord. Prthu Maharaja therefore concluded that he would simply hear of the glories of the Lord constantly and thus engage his mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord. That is the highest perfection of life.
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