tasma unmada-nathaya
nasta-saucaya durhrde
datta bata maya sadhvi
codite paramesthina
tasmaito him; unmada-nathayato the lord of ghosts; nasta-saucayabeing devoid of all cleanliness; durhrdeheart filled with nasty things; dattawas given; bataalas; mayaby me; sadhviSati; coditebeing requested; paramesthinaby the supreme teacher (Brahma).
On the request of Lord Brahma I handed over my chaste daughter to him, although he is devoid of all cleanliness and his heart is filled with nasty things.
It is the duty of parents to hand over their daughters to suitable persons just befitting their family tradition in cleanliness, gentle behavior, wealth, social position, etc. Daksa was repentant that on the request of Brahma, who was his father, he had handed over his daughter to a person who, according to his calculation, was nasty. He was so angry that he did not acknowledge that the request was from his father. Instead, he referred to Brahma as paramesthi, the supreme teacher in the universe; because of his temperament of gross anger, he was not even prepared to accept Brahma as his father. In other words, he accused even Brahma of being less intelligent because he had advised Daksa to hand over his beautiful daughter to such a nasty fellow. In anger one forgets everything, and thus Daksa, in anger, not only accused the great Lord Siva, but criticized his own father, Lord Brahma, for his not very astute advice that Daksa hand over his daughter to Lord Siva.
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