apam upasthe mayi navy avasthitah
praja bhavan adya riraksisuh kila
sa vira-murtih samabhud dhara-dharo
yo mam payasy ugra-saro jighamsasi
apamof the water; upasthesituated on the surface; mayiin me; naviin a boat; avasthitahstanding; prajahliving entities; bhavanYourself; adyanow; riraksisuhdesiring to protect; kilaindeed; sahHe; vira-murtihin the form of a great hero; samabhutbecame; dhara-dharahthe protector of the planet earth; yahone who; mamme; payasifor the sake of milk; ugra-sarahwith sharpened arrows; jighamsasiyou desire to kill.
My dear Lord, in this way You once protected me by rescuing me from the water, and consequently Your name has been famous as DharadharaHe who holds the planet earth. Yet at the present moment, in the form of a great hero, You are about to kill me with sharpened arrows. I am, however, just like a boat on the water, keeping everything afloat.
The Lord is known as Dharadhara, meaning, He who keeps the planet earth on His tusks as the boar incarnation. Thus the planet earth in the shape of a cow is accounting the contradictory acts of the Lord. Although He once saved the earth, He now wants to upset the earth, which is like a boat on water. No one can understand the activities of the Lord. Due to a poor fund of knowledge, human beings sometimes think the Lords activities contradictory.
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