sa arudha-nrpa-sthana
unnaddho sta-vibhutibhih
avamene maha-bhagan
stabdhah sambhavitah svatah
sahKing Vena; arudhaascended to; nrpa-sthanahthe seat of the king; unnaddhahvery proud; astaeight; vibhutibhihby opulences; avamenebegan to insult; maha-bhagangreat personalities; stabdhahinconsiderate; sambhavitahconsidered great; svatahby himself.
When the King ascended to the throne, he became all-powerful with eight kinds of opulences. Consequently he became too proud. By virtue of his false prestige, he considered himself to be greater than anyone. Thus he began to insult great personalities.
In this verse the word asta-vibhutibhih, meaning by eight opulences, is very important. The king is supposed to possess eight kinds of opulences. By dint of mystic yoga practice, kings generally acquired these eight opulences. These kings were called rajarsis, kings who were also great sages. By practicing mystic yoga, a rajarsi could become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, and could get whatever he desired. A rajarsi could also create a kingdom, bring everyone under his control and rule everyone. These were some of the opulences of a king. King Vena, however, was not practiced in yoga, but he became very proud of his royal position nonetheless. Because he was not very considerate, he began to misuse his power and insult great personalities.
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