sankhyayanah paramahamsya-mukhyo
vivaksamano bhagavad-vibhutih
jagada so smad-gurave nvitaya
parasarayatha brhaspates ca
sankhyayanahthe great sage Sankhyayana; paramahamsya-mukhyahthe chief of all transcendentalists; vivaksamanahwhile reciting; bhagavat-vibhutihthe glories of the Lord; jagadaexplained; sahhe; asmatof me; guraveunto the spiritual master; anvitayafollowed; parasarayaunto the sage Parasara; atha brhaspateh caalso to Brhaspati.
The great sage Sankhyayana was the chief amongst the transcendentalists, and when he was describing the glories of the Lord in terms of Srimad-Bhagavatam, it so happened that my spiritual master, Parasara, and Brhaspati both heard him.

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