maitreya uvaca
idito bhagavan evam
kapilakhyah parah puman
vacaviklavayety aha
mataram matr-vatsalah
maitreyah uvacaMaitreya said; iditahpraised; bhagavanthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; evamthus; kapila-akhyahnamed Kapila; parahsupreme; pumanperson; vacawith words; aviklavayagrave; itithus; ahareplied; mataramto His mother; matr-vatsalahvery affectionate to His mother.
Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kapila, satisfied by the words of His mother, towards whom He was very affectionate, replied with gravity.
Since the Lord is all-perfect, His exhibition of affection for His mother was also complete. After hearing the words of His mother, He most respectfully, with due gravity and good manners, replied.
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