TEXTS 2425
vairagyena baliyasa
jnanena brahma-hetuna
visuddhena tadatmanam
atmana visvato-mukham
svanubhutya tirobhuta-
bhakti-pravaha-yogenaby continuous engagement in devotional service; vairagyenaby renunciation; baliyasavery strong; yukta-anusthanaby proper performance of duties; jatenaproduced; jnanenaby knowledge; brahma-hetunadue to realization of the Absolute Truth; visuddhenaby purification; tadathen; atmanamSupreme Personality of Godhead; atmanawith the mind; visvatah-mukhamwhose face is turned everywhere; sva-anubhutyaby self-realization; tirah-bhutadisappeared; maya-gunaof the modes of material nature; visesanamdistinctions.
She did so with serious engagement in devotional service. Because she was strong in renunciation, she accepted only the necessities of the body. She became situated in knowledge due to realization of the Absolute Truth, her heart became purified, she became fully absorbed in meditation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all misgivings due to the modes of material nature disappeared.

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