tvam loka-palo dhipatir brhac-chrava
viryapaho durmada-vira-maninam
vijitya loke khila-daitya-danavan
yad rajasuyena purayajat prabho
tvamyou (Varuna); loka-palahguardian of the planet; adhipatiha ruler; brhat-sravahof wide fame; viryathe power; apahahdiminished; durmadaof the proud; vira-maninamthinking themselves very big heroes; vijityahaving conquered; lokein the world; akhilaall; daityathe demons; danavanthe Danavas; yatwhence; raja-suyenawith a Rajasuya sacrifice; puraformerly; ayajatworshiped; prabhoO lord.
You are the guardian of an entire sphere and a ruler of wide fame. Having crushed the might of arrogant and conceited warriors and having conquered all the Daityas and Danavas in the world, you once performed a Rajasuya sacrifice to the Lord.
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