maitreya uvaca
yada sva-bharyaya sardham
jatah svayambhuvo manuh
pranjalih pranatas cedam
veda-garbham abhasata
maitreyah uvacaMaitreya said; yadawhen; sva-bharyayaalong with his wife; sardhamaccompanied by; jatahappeared; svayambhuvahSvayambhuva Manu; manuhthe father of mankind; pranjalihwith folded hands; pranatahin obeisances; caalso; idamthis; veda-garbhamunto the reservoir of Vedic wisdom; abhasataaddressed.
The sage Maitreya said to Vidura: After his appearance, Manu, the father of mankind, along with his wife, thus addressed the reservoir of Vedic wisdom, Brahma, with obeisances and folded hands.
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