jaghana rundhanam asahya-vikramam
sa lilayebham mrgarad ivambhasi
yatha gajendro jagatim vibhindan
jaghanakilled; rundhanamthe obstructive enemy; asahyaunbearable; vikramamprowess; sahHe; lilayaeasily; ibhamthe elephant; mrga-ratthe lion; ivalike; ambhasiin the water; tat-raktaof his blood; panka-ankitasmeared by the pool; gandacheeks; tundahtongue; yathaas if; gajendrahthe elephant; jagatimearth; vibhindandigging.
Thereupon Lord Boar killed the demon within the water, just as a lion kills an elephant. The cheeks and tongue of the Lord became smeared with the blood of the demon, just as an elephant becomes reddish from digging in the purple earth.
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