kecit pranjalayo dina
nyasta-sastra divaukasah
mukta-kaccha-sikhah kecid
bhitah sma iti vadinah
kecitsome of them; pranjalayahfolded their hands just to please you; dinahvery poor; nyasta-sastrahbeing bereft of all weapons; divaukasahthe demigods; mukta-kaccha-sikhahtheir garments and hair loosened and scattered; kecitsome of them; bhitahwe are very much afraid; smaso became; iti vadinahthey spoke thus.
Defeated and bereft of all weapons, some of the demigods gave up fighting and praised you with folded hands, and some of them, appearing before you with loosened garments and hair, said, O lord, we are very much afraid of you.
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