sanair athotthaya vimrjya locane
mukundam udviksya vinamra-kandharah
krtanjalih prasrayavan samahitah
sa-vepathur gadgadayailatelaya
sanaihgradually; athathen; utthayarising; vimrjyawiping; locanehis two eyes; mukundamat Mukunda, Lord Sri Krsna; udviksyalooking up; vinamra-kandharahhis neck bent; krta-anjalihwith folded hands; prasraya-vanvery humble; samahitahhis mind concentrated; sa-vepathuhhis body trembling; gadgadayafaltering; ailataBrahma began to offer praise; ilayawith words.
Then, rising very gradually and wiping his two eyes, Lord Brahma looked up at Mukunda. Lord Brahma, his head bent low, his mind concentrated and his body trembling, very humbly began, with faltering words, to offer praises to Lord Krsna.
Brahma, being very joyful, began to shed tears, and he washed the lotus feet of Krsna with his tears. Repeatedly he fell and rose as he recalled the wonderful activities of the Lord. After repeating obeisances for a long time, Brahma stood up and smeared his hands over his eyes. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that the word locane indicates that with his two hands he wiped the two eyes on each of his four faces. Seeing the Lord before him, Brahma began to offer prayers with great humility, respect and attention.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Tenth Canto, Thirteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled The Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma.

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