drstva tvarena nija-dhoranato vatirya
prthvyam vapuh kanaka-dandam ivabhipatya
sprstva catur-mukuta-kotibhir anghri-yugmam
natva mud-asru-sujalair akrtabhisekam
drstvaafter seeing; tvarenawith great speed, hastily; nija-dhoranatahfrom his swan carrier; avatiryadescended; prthvyamon the ground; vapuhhis body; kanaka-dandam ivalike a golden rod; abhipatyafell down; sprstvatouching; catuh-mukuta-koti-bhihwith the tips of his four crowns; anghri-yugmamthe two lotus feet; natvamaking obeisances; mut-asru-su-jalaihwith the water of his tears of joy; akrtaperformed; abhisekamthe ceremony of bathing His lotus feet.
After seeing this, Lord Brahma hastily got down from his swan carrier, fell down like a golden rod and touched the lotus feet of Lord Krsna with the tips of the four crowns on his heads. Offering his obeisances, he bathed the feet of Krsna with the water of his tears of joy.
Lord Brahma bowed down like a stick, and because Lord Brahmas complexion is golden, he appeared to be like a golden stick lying down before Lord Krsna. When one falls down before a superior just like a stick, ones offering of obeisances is called dandavat. Danda means stick, and vat means like. It is not that one should simply say, dandavat. Rather, one must fall down. Thus Brahma fell down, touching his foreheads to the lotus feet of Krsna, and his crying in ecstasy is to be regarded as an abhiseka bathing ceremony of Krsnas lotus feet.
He who appeared before Brahma as a human child was in fact the Absolute Truth, Parabrahman (brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate). The Supreme Lord is narakrti; that is, He resembles a human being. It is not that He is four-armed (catur-bahu). Narayana is catur-bahu, but the Supreme Person resembles a human being. This is also confirmed in the Bible, where it is said that man was made in the image of God.
Lord Brahma saw that Krsna, in His form as a cowherd boy, was Parabrahman, the root cause of everything, but was now appearing as a human child, loitering in Vrndavana with a morsel of food in His hand. Astonished, Lord Brahma hastily got down from his swan carrier and let his body fall to the earth. Usually, the demigods never touch the ground, but Lord Brahma, voluntarily giving up his prestige as a demigod, bowed down on the ground before Krsna. Although Brahma has one head in each direction, he voluntarily brought all his heads to the ground and touched Krsnas feet with the tips of his four helmets. Although his intelligence works in every direction, he surrendered everything before the boy Krsna.
It is mentioned that Brahma washed the feet of Krsna with his tears, and here the word sujalaih indicates that his tears were purified. As soon as bhakti is present, everything is purified (sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam [Cc. Madhya 19.170]). Therefore Brahmas crying was a form of bhakty-anubhava, a transformation of transcendental ecstatic love.
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