tenaiva sakam prthukah sahasrasah
snigdhah susig-vetra-visana-venavah
svan svan sahasropari-sankhyayanvitan
vatsan puraskrtya viniryayur muda
tenaHim; evaindeed; sakamaccompanied by; prthukahthe boys; sahasrasahby the thousands; snigdhahvery attractive; subeautiful; siklunch bags; vetrasticks for controlling the calves; visanahorn bugles; venavahflutes; svan svantheir own respective; sahasra-upari-sankhyaya anvitannumbering over a thousand; vatsanthe calves; purah-krtyakeeping in front; viniryayuhthey came out; mudawith great pleasure.
At that time, hundreds and thousands of cowherd boys came out of their respective homes in Vrajabhumi and joined Krsna, keeping before them their hundreds and thousands of groups of calves. The boys were very beautiful, and they were equipped with lunch bags, bugles, flutes, and sticks for controlling the calves.
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