rauravenajinena ca
visusyat-talur udakam
tatha-bhutam ayacata
viprakirnaall scattered; jata-acchannamcovered with compressed, long hair; rauravenaby the skin of a stag; ajinenaby the skin; caalso; visusyatdried up; taluhpalate; udakamwater; tatha-bhutamin that state; ayacataasked for.
The sage, in meditation, was covered by the skin of a stag, and long, compressed hair was scattered all over him. The King, whose palate was dry from thirst, asked him for water.
The King, being thirsty, asked the sage for water. That such a great devotee and king asked for water from a sage absorbed in trance was certainly providential. Otherwise there was no chance of such a unique happening. Maharaja Pariksit was thus placed in an awkward position so that gradually Srimad-Bhagavatam could be revealed.
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