yudhisthira uvaca
naham veda gatim pitror
bhagavan kva gatav itah
amba va hata-putrarta
kva gata ca tapasvini
yudhisthirah uvacaMaharaja Yudhisthira said; nado not; ahammyself; vedaknow it; gatimdeparture; pitrohof the uncles; bhagavanO godly personality; kvawhere; gataugone; itahfrom this place; ambamother aunt; vaeither; hata-putrabereft of her sons; artaaggrieved; kvawhere; gatagone; caalso; tapasviniascetic.
Maharaja Yudhisthira said: O godly personality, I do not know where my two uncles have gone. Nor can I find my ascetic aunt who is grief-stricken by the loss of all her sons.
Maharaja Yudhisthira, as a good soul and devotee of the Lord, was always conscious of the great loss of his aunt and her sufferings as an ascetic. An ascetic is never disturbed by all kinds of sufferings, and that makes him strong and determined on the path of spiritual progress. Queen Gandhari is a typical example of an ascetic because of her marvelous character in many trying situations. She was an ideal woman as mother, wife and ascetic, and in the history of the world such character in a woman is rarely found.

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