Letter to: Bhurijana

17 August, 1974
My Dear Spiritual Son Bhurijana das:
Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letter dated 8/7/74 from Singapore. I am very pleased that you have gone to that place simply on my order, alone, to preach the message of Lord Caitanya. I like this kind of spirit in you very much. You know I went to your country also alone, in old age, because of the order given to me by my spiritual master. So I get great pleasure when I see my own disciples from America going to far off places leaving their rich nation with all facilities and their families, to preach. The secret of success in spiritual life is to satisfy one's spiritual master. This is the essence. You have captured this. So now go on in this way and do not falter. Follow the regulative principles and devotional practices I have given you. This will keep you fit. Be patient and determined, and ask everyone you meet to please chant Hare Krsna. I shall be very glad if you send me regular reports of your attempt.
I hope this meets you and also your good wife in best of health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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