Letter to: Upendra

15 September, 1969
My Dear Upendra,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 10th, 1969 and I have also duly received the Bhakti-sastri examinations from Seattle temple on the same day. I was very pleased to learn of the elaborate way in which you celebrated the Janmastami Day and Vyasa Puja Day ceremonies. The articles in the local papers which you have forwarded to me describing the event are also nice. Last Thursday, when I arrived in London there were more than one dozen reporters to take pictures immediately as we got off of the plane, and then we were led by a special airport attendant to a room where there was nice kirtana and some questions from the pressmen. The next day several articles appeared in the London papers, and I am enclosing one such article for your reference. Regarding the Mayapur center, I am not giving attention just now to Mayapur. I have not heard anything about it from Acyutananda, but I have already given him the necessary instructions. When we actually get land, then we will divert attention to Mayapur, and at that time your services will be required. At present, I am giving all stress to beginning our own press in Boston. The Mayapur center is there, but immediately there is no concern with it. I am very pleased to learn that your temple is making very nice progress, and the devotees there are doing nicely in Krishna Consciousness. Please offer my blessings to all of them.
I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/tittenhurst/september/15/1969/upendra

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