Letter to: Brahmananda, Satsvarupa, Rayarama, Gargamuni, Rupanuga, Donald

San Francisco
28 March, 1967
My Dear Brahmananda, Satsvarupa, Rayram, Gargamuni, Rupanuga, Donald,
Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of the 24th March 1967 and previous to this I received one copy of the letter addressed to M/s. Willium Alfred White Inc. I have replied Mr. Goldsmith's letter also giving him the whole history of the cheating business. It is understood that Mr. Goldsmith says the hope of getting back the money is very slim. Under the circumstances there is no need of pushing good money for the bad. $6000.00 has already become bad money and therefore no more good money should be spent after this. Forget the chapter. Take it for granted that Krishna has taken away this money from you for your deliberate foolishness. In future be very cautious and abide by the orders of Krishna. If you abide by the orders of Krishna, He can give you thing that you may need. Be cheerful and chant Hare Krishna without any lamentation. As I have told you several times that my Guru maharaj used to say that this world is not a fit place for gentleman. His version is corroborated by the following verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is said like:
Yasya asti bhagavati akincana bhakti
Sarvai gunais tatra samasate sura
Harav abhaktasya kuto mahat guna
Manorathena asato dhavato bahi.
"A person who is not in Krishna consciousness has no good qualifications. However so called gentleman one may be or academically educated he may be he is hovering over the mental plane and therefore he must commit nuisance being influenced by the external energy. A person who has however unflinching faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead has all the good qualifications of the demigods.'' In other words you should not keep your trust on so called gentlemen of the world however nicely dressed he may be. In the matter of discharging our mission of Krishna consciousness we have to meet so many so called gentlemen but we must be very cautious for dealing with them as we are cautious in dealing with serpents.
I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title. I will have $5000.00 from here and shall be glad to know how much you can contribute so that I can take up the work. I wish that you may contribute the balance either by selling my books (Srimad-Bhagavatam) or by raising funds.
English translation of Caitanya-caritamrta by Nogan Roy have been seen by me. There is no commentary and therefore it can be read. but I do not know who is this Sanjib Choudhuri. Anyway there is no harm reading simply the translation.
Regarding the Mimeograph machine if it is very expensive to send do not send it.
Rayarama, you took some quotation for printing the book Gitopanisad in U.S.A. If you therefore take immediately quotations from several places on the following details and let me know then I can decide immediately what to do. You can take further quotations from several places on the following details and let me know then I can decide immediately what to do. You can take further quotations on the following details.
Description: Case boundbook
Quantity: 5000 five thousand copies
Size: 12 1/2 x 9 1/2 flat & 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 folded.
No. of pages: 400 plus the cover
Paper: Best quality offset book
Composition: By the printer in 10 and 12 pt. and italics
Press work: Black ink two sides and one tricolor photo.
Cover: Title engraved and gold stamp on backbone.
Quotation: Each book.
Delivery: Maximum time to be delivered partly in New York, partly in San Francisco and partly at Montreal.
Please take this quotations and let me know so that I can decide there to print the book either in New York or in San Francisco.
Hope you are well. Further Gargamuni suggested that there is some chance of opening a branch in London. I shall be glad to know about the possibility. If I can establish one branch in London after Montreal it will be a great success of our mission. Please let me know in detail.
Yours ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/san_francisco/march/28/1967/brahmananda/satsvarupa/rayarama/gargamuni/rupanuga/more

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