Letter to: Balai

San Francisco
12 March, 1968
New York
My Dear Balai,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 3/10/68, and I thank you very much for it. Yes, the wind, the earth, the water, and so forth, all have controlling personalities. Just like there is a sun god, who is in charge of the sun planet; similarly, for each body of water, for the wind, there are controlling personalities. They are in control of some small part of the material creation, but the ultimate Controller is Krishna. These demigods all are servants of the Supreme Controller.
I am very pleased to hear about Krishna's new throne of gold leaf and velvet. I am anxious to come there and see it, along with all you my students there who are carrying on so nicely even in my absence. But you must know that I am always with you all so long you are executing Krishna Consciousness; and I am always receiving good news of the New York Temple so it is very nice that now you have provided Krishna a beautiful new throne.
So far the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya is concerned, I have written a full suggestion to Montreal, in which the main points are that we should all observe strict fasting up till moonrise, and at that time, an offering is made to Lord Caitanya of Ekadasi foods, fruits, peanuts, milk, and so forth. Then, on the next day, Friday the 15th, a full-scale feast is held to celebrate His Advent Day. On the 14th, chanting, reading of Srila Bhaktivinode's book, Life and Precepts and Caitanya Caritamrta, Introduction to Bhagavatam, may be held all the day in the Temple.
Householders may wear dhotis in the Temple, or as they like, but not of the saffron color. They may wear white, yellow, or whatever. Outside the Temple they may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads. It is not required to wear dhotis, as this society does not understand, so outside the Temple dress suit is more socially acceptable. If they so desire, for ceremony, they can dress in dhotis for Kirtana.
Hope you are well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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