Letter to: Brahmananda

San Francisco
30 January, 1967
My dear Brahmananda,
I am in due receipt of your letter of the 28th instant. I was very much eager to get the records but they are still delayed. Our yesterdays function was very successful. There were about 1500 or more audience and all of them chanted and danced continually for one hour and fifteen minutes. I came back at 11-30 at night. I think Sriman Haridasa Brahmacari (Harvey) will contribute $1000.00 towards the building fund at New York. I am sorry that the Lawyer of the owner is delaying the matter. Will the proprietor of the house be carried by the Lawyer? If it is so what is the use of wasting time in that way. If they are serious they must finish the business without delay. I wish that we must enter the house by the 1st of March 1967.
Please try to secure a copy of each film so far taken of us while performing Kirtana. If required we may pay something for this; better they should contribute a film to the society as we have not charged anything. If we get the film we can then purchase a projector to show in different places. Please send the records as early as possible. There is possibility of selling a great number of records here. They are all purchasing cash. Please expedite the matter.
One thing you may note also as a matter of etiquette. The Spiritual Master is addressed as His Divine Grace, a Godbrother is addressed as His Grace, and any Sannyasin is addressed as His Holiness.
I am very much anxious to know about the progress of the house negotiation as well the records. Hope you are well.
Yours ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/san_francisco/january/30/1967/brahmananda

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