My dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your note along with Sriman Kirtanananda's letter. They are very much anxious to get the records since you have sent the cover only. Please ask Mr. Lerner if Mr. Kallman is unwilling to send the records for reasons known to him so that I can inform here to the parties concerned. We must have some definite understanding instead of prolonging a matter. I think everything is going well there by the Grace of Lord Krishna. I have invitations from other organizations to lecture on 11th, 12th and 14th at Self Realization Organization, Himalayan Academy Administration and San Francisco University College. Some of them writes as follows: "Your Holiness: You have brought great beauty and harmony to our community through your love and devotion. Many souls have found their inner peace in your teachings of the Krishna Consciousness'' I could have immediately distributed many records in these meetings by practical demonstration of the records. What shall I do with the empty case? I cannot understand the policy of Mr. Kallman. Please try to understand him and let me know what is the actual position.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/san_francisco/february/10/1967/brahmananda Previous: Letter to: Gargamuni -- San Francisco 3 February, 1967 Next: Letter to: Satsvarupa -- San Francisco 10 February, 1967