Letter to: Brahmananda

San Francisco
2 April, 1968
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated march 20, 25, 26, and I thank you very much for them. I am glad to hear that the lawyer and psychiatrist are going to help with Advaita, and I am praying Krishna for his safety. We are awaiting to receive the judge's statement, and when we secure it, I shall send it to you.
Today I have received your dummy book, sent by Dai Nippon for sample, and it is very nice. I shall keep it with me, and bring it with me when I come to N.Y.
I have written the preface, title page, dedication, and photo captions for Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and am sending herewith. Please take care of it as need be. The photos will appear at the front on the book. And the illustrations will appear at various intervals throughout the book, according to the text. Please inform me if still you do not understand about this.
The mrdanga has been duly received some days ago, and it is a very nice one; the Kirtana here are very nice, with so many outsiders, as well as devotees, dancing in ecstasy.
Yes, please have Rayarama finish the necessary on Transcendental Meditation as soon as possible, so that it can be printed and distributed. I am very much pleased about the activities of that boy Terry, and you please keep me informed of further developments in Atlantic City. Yes, it is right that the community members should support the center if there is to be one opened there.
Yes, that rock is saffron dye; you can keep it there. It can be used to dye the Japamala bags if you like.
Regarding my departure for New York: Reservations are being made on Flight 14, American Airlines, on April 17th, to arrive in N.Y. at 4:45 p.m. from India. My ticket is already for American Airlines, so you please refund the prepaid ticket you sent for United Airlines, and send the value in postal money order to Gaurasundara, in the name of Gary McElroy, so that he can see to purchasing two student fares with discount cards. Please expedite the matter as it is very important, so that we can come together in one party.
Hoping you are all well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/san_francisco/april/02/1968/brahmananda

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