Letter to: Kirtanananda
New York 5 May, 1967 67-05-05
My dear Kirtanananda,
I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 1st 1967 and I am very pleased to go through it. Please accept my blessings. You are doing very nice alone, and Krishna will help you more and more. As you are managing our Montreal center, similarly, Mukunda and Haridasa and Syamasundara are also very nicely managing the center in San Francisco. I have received also one letter from Mukunda of the same date, May 1st, 1967 and he writes as follows: "I am happy to report that many more people are attending kirtana. Someone has made a beautiful technicolor movie (our first in Golden Gate Park) called 'Hare Krishna.' It has sound, our voices.'' I am sorry that you have no good mrdanga, but if you send me a hundred dollars as I have already written to Pradyumna I can get a mrdanga and good harmonium for you so that you can have your kirtana very nicely. I am very much pleased to learn that our comments on the Bhagavad-gita are being appreciated by the audience in Montreal. Regarding printing, if I print the Bhagavad-gita in your country, it will cost not less than 12,000 dollars, out of this I have already secured about 5,000 dollars from one of my students at San Francisco and still I require 6 to 7,000 dollars. I do not know how to secure it, but the only hope is that I have my books.
I have already written to Janardana about his studies and I have requested him to have his M.A. degree by all means. You will be pleased to know that appreciation of our Back To Godhead and records has come from London and our disciple Dvarakadhisa, Donald Dougherty is arranging to send 100 records, 3 sets of books and Back To Godhead to London. This time they have made a very nice cover of Back To Godhead and the articles and poetry are very nice. I think they will dispatch to you, and you will enjoy them. Think over how to popularize our sankirtana. If we can popularize our publication then it will be very nice propaganda.
You will be pleased to learn that yesterday we had a nice meeting in the City College, 138th St. There were about 200 students attending and the program began at 12 noon and ended at 1:30. First of all we chanted and prayed for 45 minutes, then I lectured for another 30 minutes then there were questions and answers for 20 minutes then again, there was chanting and kirtana and dancing for 15 minutes and at the end all the students danced and sang with me. They appreciated the meeting. If we can arrange such meetings in the schools and colleges it will be a very nice thing, because my purpose of coming here to enthuse the younger generation and it is very pleasing to me that Krishna is sending me younger generation and sincere souls like you. I think some of you like yourself, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda and Mukunda and Gargamuni, Acyutananda and all of you had already cultivated this Krishna Consciousness in your past lives,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami NOTE: If you want to come here for 2 or 3 days it will be a very welcome suggestion. So we can talk together about our future programs, and it will be very nice. Hayagriva wants to hear from you. He wants that you should join his Editorial Department but he will only use you for Iskcon __ of which he is very __.
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