Letter to: Malati

New York
21 April, 1968
My Dear Malati,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 19th April, 1968, and the incidence in connection with Krishna's sitting on your lap is very interesting. I am so glad to learn that you have developed so much love for Krishna. This is the way of developing Krishna Consciousness; and wherever you will be rigid in your Krishna Consciousness, the triumph will be yours.
Yes, here everything is very joyous, because so many nice boys and girls have joined the society, and they are joyfully dancing and chanting. You can let Syamasundara. know that the calculation of Rathayatra was made one month ahead. The actual date is the 28th of June; beginning of Rathayatra is on the 28th, and it will continue till 8 days, and the general festival may be observed on the 7th of July, Sunday (because Saturday is Ekadasi).
Hoping you are all well.
Your ever well-wisher,
P.S. I thank you very much for the beautiful picture of Krishna which you have drawn and sent to me. Please paint many such nice pictures of Krishna, and we shall use them in all our temples.

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/new_york/april/21/1968/malati

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