Letter to: Sumati Morarjee
New York 18 April, 1967 67-04-18
Madam Sumati Morarji Baisaheba,
Please accept my greetings. Hope everything is well with you. Kindly refer to your letter of 22nd November 1966 in which you ask me two copies of my Srimad-Bhagavatam. I had some books in Bombay c/o the Universal Book House, Dadar and I advised them to deliver you the books. It is understood that they have delivered all the books to your office. I would therefore request you to take as many books as you may require and the balance out of 126 books may be booked to New York by any one of your ships.
You will be pleased to know that people in this country specially the younger section are accepting the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as it is and I am hopeful of my mission in this country. I am enclosing herewith some press cuttings which will convince about my success in preaching in this country. Kindly pray to your Bala-Krsna to help me more in this connection. I have now opened three centres namely one in New York, one in San Francisco and one in Montreal (Canada). This branch is opened by one of my American disciples. Kindly let me know if you have got any office in Montreal and in San Francisco. I shall be much pleased to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Kindly convey my blessings to Sriman Choksi and your other Secretaries.
Hope you are well,
Yours sincerely,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Enclosures:3
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/new_york/april/18/1967/sumati_morarjee Previous: Letter to: Sri Krishna Panditji -- New York 15 April, 1967 Next: Letter to: Ballabhi -- New York 22 April, 1967