Letter to: Kurusrestha
New Delhi 14 February, 1974 74-02-14
Dear Kurusrestha das,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 24, 1974 which has only now reached me due to my travelling.
Your report on activities in Denver center is very comprehensive and I can understand you are feeling full responsibility for all the devotees and operations under your care. Actually the more selfless dedication you apply yourself with, the more Krsna will be pleased and the more he will give you intelligence how to expand the preaching in His Name.
The devotees you have recommended for first initiation are accepted by me and their new spiritual names are as follows:
Instruct them in the chanting process and the seriousness of following the vow to chant at least 16 rounds daily and avoid the four sinful activities.
I hope you will be coming to Mayapur for the Appearance Day celebration of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Your well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/new_delhi/february/14/1974/kurusrestha Previous: Letter to: Brahmananda -- New Delhi 14 February, 1974 Next: Letter to: Jayatirtha -- Bombay 16 February, 1974