Letter to: Brisakapi
Nellore 7 January, 1976 76-01-07
My Dear Brisakapi,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated December 12th, 1976. I am very pleased that we have now got such a wonderful property in the nation's capitol, Washington, D.C. The photos show that there is good opportunity to develop it into a very important center, and since you say that it is in a most aristocratic location, it is certainly Krishna's mercy. If you can make arrangements for me to meet with the President, I shall surely go.
As far as your desire to have Sita Rama Deities, it is a good idea, but you should wait for some time. First see that you have sufficient brahmanas who are very well trained and qualified, then you can consider to install Sita, Rama, Laksmana, and Hanuman. They are the ideal King and it will be very suitable that They reign over the capitol of America.
I am very much pleased to see how much you and all the devotees have increased sankirtana in the Washington area. This you should all make your main business. For a long time there was not so much book distribution done there, but now that you are all concentrating on it there will be no shortage of anything. It is wonderful how many big books you are able to distribute.
I accept John Weber as my initiated disciple. His new name is Ramasena das Brahmacari. See that he chants daily sixteen rounds and follows strictly the rules and regulations. Similarly, I accept Krsna Gopala das, Vardhanya das, Puspuvan das, Gabhira das, Ambujaksa das, and Megha devi dasi for second initiation. Now you must hold a fire ceremony. Enclosed are the sacred threads for the brahmanas. They should be allowed to hear the Gayatri mantra through the right ear from the tape recording. Brahmin means to be very cleaninside by chanting the Lord's glories and outside by regular bathing. Teach everyone by your personal example. Also
I hope this meets you in the best of health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/tkg
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