Letter to: Giriraj Prabhu
Mayapur 74-09-29
My Dear Giriraj Prabhu:
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. I am in due receipt of you letter dated September 24, 1974 with enclosed copy of the Income Tax Notice. I have discussed toy letter with His Divine Grace and may reply to the points.
Regarding the money you have transferred to Vrindaban, you have not mentioned what account, I assume it is No. 668, Punjab National Bank. Now they have taken commission of Rs, 305/80 as well as Rs. 5/- for telegram, but this must ve gotten back. Enclosed is a letter from the Vrindaban branch to the Bombay Head Office specifically requesting that no commission charges be made. So you should do the needful. Here at Calcutta we transferred money to PNB Vrindaban, and by showing this letter did not have to pay commision charges. Please let me know what is the outcome of this. Keep the balance of Am. Exp. a/c until the future.
Regarding the repayment of the loan from the account, that Bhagavan knows more then me. It is not good that still the accounts are not in order.
Regarding the Tax Comission, yes use Mr. Nair's letter that he wanted to give us the land at concession because we had no money at the time. Prabhupad replied that he would pay on installment and Nsir agreed because our cause is very great. We get so many donations of land. Prabhupad has asked me to write to Mahamsa Swami for him to send the Pulla Reddy letter. This letter from Mrs, Saroff is difficult to obtained at a later date. So you can mention the Vrindaban land in your appeal, but there are also many others. The most recent is a parcel of land donated in Orissa to ISKCON-Bombay. Enclosed please find the document. Similarly in foreign countries Bhaktivedanta Manor was given by George Harrison, and Alfred Ford is giving the Hawaii property, and when this is transaction is completed we can supply the relative documents. So because of the nature of out institution we regularly get donations of land which are not used for profit-making.
Regarding the Life Membership increase, Gargamuni Swami
Presented strong arguments for not increasing it, but because of the situation indigenous to Calcutta. If you are getting success there, and similarly thay got success at Natadwara I understand, I suggest that we have the donar membership at Rs. 1,000/- and the life membership at Rs. 2,000/-. I will discuss it with Gargamuni Swami this weekend and try yo get some agreement.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your servant,
Brahmananda Swami
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/mayapur/september/01/1974/giriraj_prabhu Previous: Letter to: Sri Govinda: -- Mayapur 29 September, 1974 Next: Letter to: Ramesvara -- Mayapur 1 October, 1974