Letter to: Alfred Ford

28 October, 1974
Teton Village, Wyoming
My Dear Sriman Alfred Ford:
Please accept my blessings. Sudama Maharaja has brought me the news here in India that you have already purchased the house in Honolulu and have given the key to Sudama for taking possession. Thank you very much for your kindness. Krishna will bless you with more opulence and knowledge
Human life is meant for acquiring knowledge and detachment to the material world. Knowledge means to understand that everything belongs to Krishna. Krishna consciousness means that everything including myself are different energies of the Lord and as such should be utilized for the purpose of Krishna. Krishna wants that all living entities should live with Him, as the father likes the whole family to live with him. Our Krishna consciousness movement is to educate people how to re-enter the family of Krishna and thus become eternally happy and blissful.
I am expecting to visit Hawaii latest by April, 1975, and I hope I shall be able to see you at that time. Thanking you once more.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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