Letter to: Srinathji Temple

11 October, 1974
Srinathji Temple
Nathadwara, Rajasthan
My Dear Sir:
Please accept my best wishes. I have received a report from my disciple Murti das Adhikari of the nice program that was held in Nathadwara. I am very thankful for your cooperation for spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world. Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Vallabhacarya were good friends, and Vallabhacarya many times visited Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We get this information from authorized books. So far I know Gopalaji is coming from Madhavendra Puri, the original acarya of Gaudiya Vaisnavas. His disciple was Isvara Puri, and his disciple was Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
There is a great need for spreading Krishna Consciousness all over the world based on the Bhagavad gita As It Is. We have been successful in this attempt. I am very well known to Dixitji Goswami of Bombay. He likes very much my movement and my books. I am very much grateful for your contribution of so many books on Vallabh Sampradaya and also the framed pictures. They are being kept in Delhi, and when I return to Vrindaban via Delhi, I shall see them.
We are contemplating to open our newly constructed temple in Vrindaban during the Appearance Day of Lord Ramacandra festival, and I wish very fervently that your Holiness may be present on that occasion. If you have got time to attend the ceremony, kindly let me know, and we shall make necessary arrangements for your reception.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Faithfully yours,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
cc: Murtidas, ISKCON Delhi

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