Letter to: Badarinarayana:
Mayapur 8 October, 1974 74-10-08
Ann Arbor, Michigan
My Dear Badarinarayan das:
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 4, 1974 and am glad to read the contents. You have a nice house, six devotees and a good field. Now that you have opened the temple do not think to close it even if there is some difficulty. If there is any difficulty, you go and just depend upon Krishna. Krishna will help you, that is a fact. I have given order that once a temple is opened it cannot be closed under any circumstance. This is bhakti cult. In whatever condition I will depend on Krishna.
So do your work sincerely, husband and wife, and you will have good success there. I know that they college students in your country are dissatisfied with this material education. Always be eager to present this cult to them and try to save them from the degradation of modern civilization. You be pure, and teach them to be pure. The process is there. Follow very strictly our rules and regulations and maya will not be able to touch you.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bs
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