Letter to: Kirtanananda
Los Angeles 30 November, 1968 68-11-30
My Dear Kirtanananda,
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter of Nov. 7, 1968, and I have duly noted the contents with great satisfaction. It is very good news that so many students are attending your kirtana programs in Columbus, and I think this will develop into a very prosperous center very soon.
So far your question whether you should stay at New Vrindaban, or help Hayagriva at Columbus, the best thing is to consult with Hayagriva, and work jointly. And do whatever needs to be done. That is the best program.
I think by Krishna's Grace everything is improving nicely with the New Vrindaban idea, and please continue to make your program in this way.
I hope you are all well there, and convey my blessings to Ranadhira, Hrsikesa, and Pradyumna and any others; there also I think Mahavisnu das and Rama devi are also, and please convey my blessings to them along with their little son, Haridasa. I very much appreciated also the nice cartoon-advertisements for your OSU Yoga society, and I think Ranadhira must have done them so nicely. Please thank him and encourage him to do much more such nice artistic work.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. Please offer my blessings to Dr. Henderson. He is our old friend and let us join together to spread K.C. all over the world. ACB
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/november/30/1968/kirtanananda Previous: Letter to: Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 30 November, 1968 Next: Letter to: Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968