Letter to: Alfred Ford
Los Angeles 16 July, 1974 74-07-16
Teton Village, Wyoming
Dear Sriman Alfred Ford:
Please accept Krishna's blessings and be happy. Hare Krishna. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter dated May 22, 1974. I do not know why it is so much delayed. Anyway I was not here and I have just come here one week ago, so I am sorry that replying your letter is delayed so much.
So far as your questions are concerned, in India a sannyasi or a person in the renounced order of life is always honored. Even in this fallen down condition of India a sannyasi is honored everywhere, and he has no problem for his living condition. So you are correct that a person in the renounced order of life is honored. Unfortunately some unscrupulous men take advantage of this renounced order dress and being filled up with all material desires they commit so many wrongful things, and the people in general take note of it and gradually the honor for the sannyasi is dwindling. Exactly like a person having received some counterfeit money is always afraid of being cheated, but this does not mean there is no good money. So unscrupulous men on account of this age of Kali yuga are taking advantage of sannyasi dress and are exploiting the people. So there is very awkward, and even a genuine sannyasi is sometimes in trouble. In the sastras therefore it is stated that unless one is perfectly detached from material things he should not be allowed to accept sannyasa order.
asvamedham gavalambam sannyasam pala paitrkam
daivarena sutotpattim kalau panca vivaijayet [Cc. Adi 17.164] [TEXT MISSING]
with fish, and meat, and getting children begotten by a husband's brother should all be completely stopped in this age.
I am very glad that you are so much inquisitive about the sense of the sastras. Yes, Krishna always gives shelter to the surrendered soul. Krishna never allows a brahmana to be killed. In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated as follows.
"My dear son of Kunti, be assured and declare it to the whole world that My devotee is never vanquished.'' Krishna is also worshiped as namo brahmanyaya devaya. His first business is to give protection to the cows and the brahmanas.
Now this question may be raised why are so many cows being killed in the slaughterhouse. The answer is that
If you read all our books, Bhagavad- gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and others, you will get all the answers to your questions. Still I shall be very glad to answer besides that.
By the by I beg to invite you to our opening ceremony of our newly constructed temple of Krishna Balarama at Vrindaban beginning from August 8-15. I think we have exchanged some correspondence but I have never seen you. It will be a great pleasure to see you at your convenience.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bs
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