Letter to: Bhurijana

Los Angeles
18 January, 1969
My Dear Bhurijana,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 13, 1969 along with the kirtana tapes and pictures of Buffalo temple. Hare Krsna-Songs 05">I cannot tell you how very much I enjoyed listening to this wonderful tape recording. All of the super-excellent qualities of kirtana were present on this tape and it was thus a great joy to hear it. On this tape Rupanuga has set an example for all householders because there was singing on this of Hare Krishna by all of his family members. It was all sounding very nicely, and I am going to show this tape to the Sankirtana Party which is here in Los Angeles so they may take example from such nice kirtana.
I am very pleased that you are graduating from college in a few days and are anxious to engage your labors in spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Also I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world. You have very good example from your god-brother, Rupanuga, and so continue to help him as you are doing, and it shall be very successful for you.
So thank you again for your nice letter along with the tape. I hope this meets you in very good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/january/18/1969/bhurijana

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