Letter to: Gargamuni

Los Angeles
16 January, 1968
San Francisco
My Dear Gargamuni,
Please accept my blessings. I am very much enlivened of your new Krishna Conscious enterprise and the whole proposal is very nice. I think immediately arrange for this because we want younger generation to participate in this Krishna Consciousness movement. I understand the new place is quite suitable and it will be very convenient for the students coming there. I have got all agreement with this proposal but still you consult with Jayananda and Mukunda and settle up things immediately. Jayananda is there and Mukunda has also gone there.
I am keeping quite fit under the personal guidance of Gaurasundara and Govinda dasi. I think as soon as your new store is complete, I shall return to S.F. and begin our new classes there. It is most gratifying that you say there is no financial worry, you will manage. I am sure Uddhava and Upendra will join you in this enterprise. You are sincere servitor and therefore Krishna is giving you more and more opportunity for service. Please organize this center nicely, I think it is very nice for our purpose.
Hope you are well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/january/16/1968/gargamuni

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