Letter to: Brahmananda
Los Angeles 11 January, 1968 68-01-11
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. Perhaps you know that I have come to L.A. on Saturday last and before coming here, I received one letter from you regarding publishing of Gita. It is understood that the book is going to be published by the month of August and it will be available for us in the month of September 1968. But I have heard nothing from you about the contract which I have sent you back duly signed. I am anxious to know whether Messrs. MacMillan Company has also signed contract and have paid the promised money $1000. I shall be glad if you will enlighten me on this point.
Recently I received one unsolicited letter from Sri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, a copy of which is sent herewith for your reference.
Just yesterday Subala came here and he was saying that your N.Y. center is going on very nicely and attractively. I am so glad to have this report and I thank you very much for conducting the center so nicely. I have also received one letter from Rayram, the reply of which is enclosed here. Please hand it over to him.
Awaiting your reply. Hoping you are well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Respected Sir,
Really you are doing wonderful work. By successfully flying aloft the banner of Sri Radha-Krishna's sweet Name in such a far off and strange land. You have marvelously proved the glory and irrepressible charm of the Divine Pair and Their sweet Name.
I am sending some books and pictures which you would find useful for your noble mission.
I am yours sincerely,
Hanuman Prasad Poddar
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/january/11/1968/brahmananda Previous: Letter to: Blanche -- Los Angeles 2 December, 1967 Next: Letter to: Rayarama -- Los Angeles 11 January, 1968